Hi there, and welcome to my colourful world!
I’m Maria – a German illustrator, graphic designer & copywriter currently based in Tilburg, the Netherlands. What else there is to know about me, you are asking? Well, for starters, I have an endless love for a good cup of coffee or tea. And while painting is my ultimate passion, my scientific background has also sparked a big love for educational illustrations. I’m always on the lookout for new opportunities to collaborate on exciting projects in that field. Whenever I am not doodling on my sketchpad or throwing around paint, you can also find me climbing, skating, or surfing on one of the beautiful (and cold) beaches of the Dutch coast. I also love houseplants, playing Worms World Party (yes, the version where a random pixel can save you from a sheep attack) and playing board games with friends.
Whether it is finding the best translation for your text, designing a logo, illustrating a book cover or doing a commissioned painting – I am here to help your project along and make it a success!
From science to art
I kind of stumbled onto my true passion 4 years ago when I was asked if I would be interested in designing a logo for a local start-up. Since my background in landscape architecture (B.Sc., Technical University of Munich) has provided me with useful graphical skills, I agreed to take on the challenge. Once I started, I realized: This is it! This is what I love doing!
So, while I was doing my master’s, I was eager to improve and develop myself as a graphic artist. I bought my beloved graphic tablet and I have not put it aside ever since.

Of mountains and flatlands
I grew up in Murnau, a small town on the foothills of the Bavarian Alps in Germany. Living so close to nature and being surrounded by beautiful mountains and lakes has definitely sparked my creativity and influenced my art and illustration projects ever since. Yet, I have always longed to experience different places, from the big city life of London to the small-town charm of Mallow in Ireland. I now found a more permanent home in the Netherlands (‘t is zo gezellig hier!).